Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Polydıoanone(pdo)

Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Polydıoanone(pdo)

 Polidiox is a monofilament, synthetic, absorbable suture consisting of polydioxanone poly (p-dioxanone) polyester. Empirical molecular formula of polymer is (C₄H₆O₃)x. This suture is coloured with violet colour to achieve easy visibility on tissue. Polydioxanone polymer has non-antigen and non-pyrogenic structure. Polidiox monofilament, synthetic, absorbable sutures can be used in ophthalmic applications as well as paediatric cardiovascular tissue where growth is expected. Polidiox is not used on adult cardiovascular tissue, microsurgery, or nerve tissue. Polidiox suture is beneficial when there is need for absorbable sutures and extended injury support (up to 6 weeks).
Polidiox sutures have violet colour to make surgical operations easier. Natural colouring agents were used in colouring process. Polidiox sutures are manufactured with or without stainless steel needle, between USP 7/0 – USP 2 range, and with various lengths between 45cm to 150cm.

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