This product is applicable to correct the dorsal vertebra and reduce mild kyphosis, in traumas of lumbar and throcic vertebra and postural abnormalities and postural deficiencies. Air permeable elastic gutted woven textile
Dorsolombar Corset
This product is applicable to correct the dorsal vertebra and reduce kyphosis, in traumas of lumbar and throcic vertebra and postural abnormalities.
Lumbosacral Corset
This product is actively used for facet joint problems of the lumbago, unbalanced postural muscles of the lumbar spine, ligament problems, osteokondrosis, spondiliosis, spondiliartosis and chronic back pains. Air permeable elastic gutted
26 CM-32 CM
Padded Abdomınal Bınder
This product is actively used in cases where warmth and support to the abdominal area is needed such as following operations in the abdominal area and after giving birth.
Padded Sternum Corset
Supports sternum after an open heart or thoracic surgery. Enables stabilization in case of fractures in the sternum.
Pregnancy Corset
This product is used to ease the pregnancy period by supporting the abdominal area from below.
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