Fast Absorbable Surgıcal SuturePgar (Polyglycolıc Acıd Rapıd)
Fast Absorbable Surgıcal SuturePgar (Polyglycolıc Acıd Rapıd)
Fast Absorbable Surgıcal SuturePgar (Polyglycolıc Acıd Rapıd)
PGAR is synthetic, sterile, absorbable, degradedpolyglycolicacidsurgicalsuturesmadefromhomopolymer of polyglycolicacid. Empiricalformula of polyglycolicacid is (-O-CH₂-CO-O-CH₂-CO-). Polymerchaindisintegratewith gamma radiation. PGAR suturesarecoatedwithspecialcoatingmaterialmade of calciumstearateandpolycaprolactonemixture. PGA sutureandcoatingmaterials is inert, non-collagen, non-antigenic, andnon-pyrogenicmaterial.
PGAR suture is colourlessand has naturalbeigecolour. Thissuture is generallyused in softtissuecoatingorbondingincludingophthalmicapplications. Thissuturecannot be used on heath, vein, andnervetissues. PGAR surgicalsuture is forsingleuseonly. PGAR suturesaremanufacturedwithorwithoutstainlesssteelneedle, between USP 8/0 – USP 6 range, andwithvariouslengthsbetween 45cm to 150cm.
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