Hospıtal Beds

       Hospıtal Bed Wıth Two Motors

Headrest, legrest, Fowler and Vascular positions by motors
Chrome plated side rails and ABS Headboards
Foldable Legs
Catheter bag stand and removable telescopic IV pole

        Hospıtal Bed Wıth Three Motors

Headrest, legrest, height, Fowler and Vascular positions by motors
Manual trendelenburg adjustment
Catheter bag stand, removable telescopic IV pole
Optional Mechanical CPR, Nurse Control Unit, Battery, Central Locking
System, Scale System, Wire Basket, Eletrical Brake System, Bed Exit Alarm,
Brake Alarm, Linen Holder, X-ray Cassette Holder, Lifting Pole, Oxygen
Bottle Holder, Antistatic Castor, 5th Wheel, Under Bed Light, Lockable
Headboards, Universal Accessories Rail, Writing Shelf, Monitor Shelf, Safety
Belt, Bed Extension, Foot Control Unit

        Hospıtal Bed Wıth Four Motors

Headrest, legrest,height, trendelenburg, reverse-trendelenburg , Fowler and
Vascular positions by motors
Catheter bag stand and removable telescopic IV pole
Optional Mechanical CPR, Nurse Control Unit, Side Rail Embedded Control
Panel, Battery, Central Locking System, Scale System, Wire Basket, Eletrical
Brake System, Bed Exit Alarm, Brake Alarm, Linen Holder, X-Ray Cassette
Holder, Lifting Pole, Oxygen Bottle Holder, Antistatic Castor, 5th Wheel,
Under Bed Light, Lockable Headboards, Universal Accessories Rail, Writing
Shelf, Monitor Shelf, Safety Belt, Bed Extension, Foot Control Unit

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