Silk surgical suture is a non-absorbable, sterile suture made from fibroin organic polymer. This protein is obtained from bombisis mori type domesticated from bombisida family. Wax and gum that are natural in silk suture were removed by processing. This suture has USP 7/0 or higher braided structure. This suture is available in twisted or braided format for USP 7/0 and 8/0. Surgical silk suture is dyed to black and coated with wax or silicon. Black colouring agent is hematein HCK. Silk suture is also available in natural colour (ivory). For virgin silk series, gum is not removed and holds the fibres together. Virgin silk is coloured indigo with methylene blue or to black with hematin.
Surgical silk sutures are compliant with American Pharmacopeia non-absorbable surgical sutures monograph and European Pharmacopeia sterile braided silk suture monograph conditions.
Surgical silk sutures are used in general soft tissue coating and bonding of cardiovascular, ophthalmic, and neuro surgical applications.
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