Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Pgla(polyglycolıde Co Lactıde)
Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Pgla(polyglycolıde Co Lactıde)
Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Pgla(polyglycolıde Co Lactıde)d
PGLA suturesare synthetic, stripped, absorbable, sterile surgical sutures made from polyglycolide and lactide. Stripped sutures have special coating material. Coating of the sutures were made with Calcium Stearate and Poly (GlycolideLactide) (30/70) mixture.
GLA sutureshave violet colour to make surgical operations easier. Natural colouring agents were used in colouring process. PGLAsutures are manufactured with or without stainless steel needle, at 8/0 range, and with various lengths between 30cm to 150cm.
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