Fast Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Pglar(polyglycolıde Co Lactıde Rapıd)
Fast Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Pglar(polyglycolıde Co Lactıde Rapıd)
Fast Absorbable Surgıcal Suture Pglar(polyglycolıde Co Lactıde Rapıd)
PGLAR suture is flexible, synthetic, absorbable, sterile surgicalsutureconsisting of copolymersynthesisedfrom 90% glycolideand 10% L-lactide (gylcolideandlactideacidderivatives). Empiricalformula of copolymer is (C₂H₂O₂)m(C₃H₄O₂)n. Multifilamentsuture is formedbycombiningfibresbybraiding. PGLAR is a form of gamma degradedPGL or PGL withlowermolecularweighttoproviderfasterhydrolysis/absorption.
Coatingmaterial of PGLAR suture is preparedwithequalamount of calciumstearateand 30% glycolideand 70% lactidemixture. Since Fastlaksuture is used on livingorganisms, it is absorbableandcausenoirritation.
PGLAR surgicalsuture is manufacturedwithorwithoutstainlesssteelneedle, withdifferentlengths, andbetween USP 80 and 2 (metric: 0.4-5). Thissuture is manufacturedwithnaturalcolour (colourless).
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