This product has been designed to relieve the pain in the neck by constraining the movements of the neck in cases of mild pains in the neck. It is highly applicable with cases of cervical muscle pains, cervical osteoarthritis and cervical disc hernia. Made of plastizote.
Basıc Neck Collar-sponge
This product is produced to inhibit the movements of the neck to relieve moderate pain. It is also applicable in cases of cervical disc hernia, cervical osteoarthritis and cervical muscle pains. Made of sponge covered with stockinette.
Classıcal Phıladelphıa Collar
The product has been designed to provide higher stabilization than the sponge and the Nelson collars following a neck trauma or cervical disc hernia. Made of plastizote and suitable for MR monitoring as it does not contain any metal parts.
Cervıcothoracıc Orthosıs Mınerva
This product has been designed to natural enable positioning of the cervical vertebra to flexion, extension and natural position. Thanks to its open structure, it provides effective ventilation and stops perspiration. Its Thoracic-cervical structure provides highly strong stabilization.
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